Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Productivity Achieved: Back in the saddle again!

WHOO HOO! Fern (see post below this one for picture of my trainer)

Kudos to ME for having the "best workout ever" according to my trainer Fern (that's a picture of him) this morning! :-)

You see, he told me we were doing the Arc Trainer for 1/4 mile followed by 30 stepups on a half-ball which wobbles (while holding weights) followed by 30 medicine-ball-toss-into-wall and catch while squatting torture thingies. Sip of water and then do it again...5 sets.

This was preceded by 1/2 mile on Arc Trainer and followed up by a mile on treadmill at a steep incline.

It was the *best* workout because I went through it all fast and didn't complain once -- the lack of complaining was because Fern asked me to talk about my latest program (http://www.90DayIntensive.com). Now THAT I can do...so while dripping and deep breathing, I explained all about the program and the results my clients get as a result.

In no time, I was DONE!

By focusing on the outcome -- more energy for me and my clients, increased productivity, etc., I barely realized what I was doing and just kept getting sets done. In fact, I was on my way to set 6 when Fern had to stop me. . .

What outcomes could you achieve in your business with the right support and mentoring help?

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