Saturday, October 11, 2008

Surviving while at a business retreat away from home (and routine)

Over the past few weeks, I've been on vacation in New Hampshire and am currently at a business retreat in Tucson, Arizona.

Being away from home (and my personal trainer) is challenging from a workout routine perspective.

While in New Hampshire, I went for walks with my darling hubby (DH) and swam daily.

Here in Tucson, I'm getting very little sleep (but it's SO worth it) and am swimming in the mornings (well, most mornings -- some days that extra hour of sleep is just TOO good to pass up).

This combined with being a vegetarian in a resort hotel where the "after hours" dinner menu has two veggie options: a cheese tray (can we say HEAVY) or fried corn fritters (nuff said?) is definitely keeping things challenging.

I'd love to hear any tips you have for staying true to your routines while away from home...thanks in advance!

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